Sunday, 17 October 2010

Best racing start - according to Biomechanics newsletter

Go to to read about the why's and wherefore's of the best start sequence.

In short, author Dr. Valery Kleshnev says this:
"The first two catches should be made with the handle position above the toes of the stretcher, so called “half slide”; the 3rd catch – “three quarters slide”, the 4th – about 10cm shorter than the full length, which should be achieved by the 9th stroke."

"The hypothesis needs to be proved in practise by means of analysis of various start techniques.
Also, blade slippage and hydro-lift effect should be considered. We hope to do it in the future."

Thanks to Evan for sending the link.

There's some really interesting information on the Biomechanics website (if you have the time to get your head around it...)
and have a look at these rowing training and style testing devices ...

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